Go to the software site and click Download. Either click .exe or .zip, .exe is recommended for an easy install. As for the .exe file, when downloading make sure to click keep as all unsigned(no certificate) files are automatically blocked by Chromium browsers. Firefox users should be able to download with no issues.
After download, run the setup file and follow on-screen instructions.
After install, FalixNodes should appear in your start menu.
Go to the software site and click Download. Either click .pkg or .zip, .pkg is recommended for an easy install. As for the .pkg file, when downloading make sure to click keep as all unsigned(no certificate) files are automatically blocked by Chromium browsers. Firefox and probably Safari users should be able to download with no issues.
After download, run the PKG file. You’ll be warned by unverified developer since we don’t own a developer in Apple. You’ll need to click allow in your Security settings. After that, the PKG will start running. Follow on-screen instructions.
After install, FalixNodes should appear in your LaunchPad.
We have a simple one line command that does the installation for you. Just run the line provided here and you’re go to go. You can even see the command it will do here if you want to know what it’s doing in your Linux system.
You must do this in Safari, as we provide a .mobileconfig file for iOS and appears only Safari knows how to handle this file extension. Go to the software site and click iOS. Wait a few seconds and click Allow. A new box should say Profile Downloaded, press Close.
Head over to your iOS settings and at the top click on Profile Downloaded. Click Install at the top right corner and type your passcode in. A warning will appear since this file isn’t signed, as we mentioned under macOS, we don’t have a developer account in Apple. Click Install, then again.
After clicking Install one last time, FalixNodes will appear on your home screen. This is added as a bookmark, so this can’t be added to your App Library in iOS 14.
We’re a verified developer in Google Play and other stores for Android. Because of this, it’s very easy to install FalixNodes on your Android devices.
You can find our app in Google Play and for Samsung users you can find our app in the Galaxy Store. (Support for Huawei App Gallery coming soon).
Last updated
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